XOn Software

PCIe-7856 Multifunction Reconfigurable I\O Device Kintex-7 160T

Article number:786455-01
Product lifecycle: Active

PCIe, Kintex-7 160T FPGA, 1 [MS/s], Multifunction Reconfigurable I/O Device

Product propertys

NumberOfDifferentialInputChannels 8
AO_NumberOfChannels 8
NumberOfBidirectionalChannels 48
MaximumSamplingRate 1 [MS/s]
MaximumClockRate 80 [MHz]
Device_BusConnection PCI Express
FPGAProcessor Kintex-7 160T
Enclosed No
AI_VoltageRange -10 [V] to 10 [V], -5 [V] to 5 [V], -2 [V] to 2 [V], -1 [V] to 1 [V]
DIO_LogicLevels 1.2 [V], 1.5 [V], 1.8 [V], 2.5 [V], 3.3 [V]
ElectricalSignalMeasured Voltage

Product Description

PCIe, Kintex-7 160T FPGA, 1 [MS/s], Multifunction Reconfigurable I/O Device. The PCIe-7856 features a user-programmable FPGA for high-performance onboard processing and direct control over I/O signals to ensure complete flexibility of system timing and synchronization. You can customize these devices with the LabVIEW FPGA Module to develop applications requiring precise timing and control such as hardware-in-the-loop testing, custom protocol communication, sensor simulation, and high-speed control. The PCIe-7856 features a dedicated analog-to-digital converter per channel for independent timing and triggering. This device offers specialized functionality such as multirate sampling and individual channel triggering, which are outside the capabilities of typical data acquisition hardware.

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